Jim Cone
Get homeless away from parks
A question to the mayor: How many children have to be vulnerable and exposed to the destitute and/or desperate, aka homeless, in one Oahu public park before there is serious disaster? This is one single community park, Mr. Mayor, and you want 20 miles of homeless-attracting rail infrastructure?
There are homeless people and their tents all around the lavatories of Crane Park in Kaimuki. There are hundreds of children who play in this park on the weekdays after school. All the Kapahulu Raiders Pop Warner football teams are in this park. This is totally insane. I think you realize that telling the homeless to go a couple of times isn't going to solve anything.
These are forlorn, de- jected, unsupervised people surrounded by children playing.
Here are your options; any one would work for the time being: 1. Close the park. 2. Get the homeless into shelters. 3. Put a couple of police officers on site when there are scheduled children's activities. 4. Let parents have concealed-gun permits.
Forget the rail. Make taking care of the homeless in Honolulu your swan song.
Jan Blichfeldt
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Attacks on the Homeless Rise, With Youths Mostly to Blame ...Feb 15, 2008 ... Nationwide, violence against the homeless is soaring, and overwhelmingly the attackers are teenagers and young adults.
www.nytimes.com/2008/02/15/us/15homeless.html - Similar
Attacks on Homeless Bring Push on Hate Crime Laws - NYTimes.comAug 8, 2009 ... With a surge in unprovoked attacks against the homeless, some states are considering legislation to treat such assaults as hate crimes.
www.nytimes.com/2009/08/08/us/08homeless.html - Similar
Teen 'sport killings' of homeless on the rise - CNN.comIncidents of teen-on-homeless violence dotted the map last year. Florida racked up at least six such attacks in 2006. (Homeless attack across U.S.) ...
www.cnn.com/2007/US/02/19/homeless.attacks/index.html - Cached - Similar
10-year-olds attack, beat homeless man, police say - CNN.comEgged on by a 17-year-old, two 10-year-old boys joined in the attack of a Florida homeless man, leaving him bruised and bloody, police said.
www.cnn.com/2007/US/03/29/homeless.attack/index.html - Cached - Similar
Attacks on homeless soaring - USATODAY.comA 2006 report by the National Coalition for the Homeless found 142 attacks last year against homeless people, 20 of which resulted in death a 65% increase ...
www.usatoday.com/.../2007-04-08-homelessattacks_N.htm - Cached - Similar
Attacks on homeless high in state - DailyBulletin.comThe National Coalition for the Homeless recently released the 2008 numbers regarding hate crimes and violent attacks against homeless people. ...